Wake Park Trick Limitations

Trick Limitations (Park Division Only):

Beginner Wakeboard Park: 

Kickers: Frontside 180’s and Straight airs. NO inverts.

Air Tricks: Ollie frontside 180 and butters/surface spins (surface 360 allowed) NO air tricks.

Rails: NO Transfers (Transfer = greater than 1 foot step up from the side of a rail) NO blind landings.

Novice Wakeboard Park:

Kickers: 360 spins MAX. Basic inverts (NO blind or handle pass inverts, NO rewinds)

Air Tricks: Ollie 360 spins MAX. NO air tricks.

Rails: NO blind landing transfers/ollies. NO inverted transfers.

Amateur Wakeskate Park:

Kickers:  Frontside 180’s and straight airs. NO shuvs/flip tricks.  

Flats Tricks: 180 based tricks MAX (180 – ollies, body varials, shuvs) NO flip tricks.

Rails: NO transfers, NO shuvs/flip tricks onto. 

Amateur Women Wakeboard Park: 

Kickers: 360 spins MAX. Basic inverts (NO blind or handle pass inverts)

Air Tricks: Ollie 360 Spins MAX. NO air tricks.

Rails: NO blind landing transfers/ollies. NO inverted transfers.

Intermediate Wakeboard Park:

Kickers: 540 spins MAX. 180 inverts MAX. NO rewind except toeback 1 rewind back 1.

Air Tricks: Basic air and whip tricks, NO blind landing/handle pass tricks. (S-Bends & Vulcans & Hinterbergers are allowed)

Rails: NO handle pass transfers/ollie (I.E Back 270) NO inverted transfers

Advanced Wakeboard Park:

Kickers: 720 spins MAX. 360 inverts MAX. No rewind except 321 or toe back 1 rewind.

Air Tricks: Air tricks up to 360 rotations allowed. (S-to Blinds are allowed,) NO 540+ air trick.

Rails: Only basic inverts to rails (NO handle pass inverted transfers)

Pro Wakeskate & Wakeboard Park:

No restrictions

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