If you don’t know who Dominik Gührs is, you will soon. He’s the reigning 2011 WWA Wake Park World Champion and 2011 WWA Wake Park World Series Overall Champion. Oh yea, and he’s German, which makes perfect sense knowing how natural he is on the cable. Niki, as he’s known, can use the cable like no other. He can figure out the angles and leverage of the cable within the first couple of laps around. This is the precise reason that Niki won the Pro Men World Championship last year at Al Forsan International Sports Resort in Abu Dhabi. The right-footed cable at Al Forsan is a 6-tower shorter cable, while many riders were having trouble adapting to a smaller cable, Niki was busy linking Raley 540s and Back Mobe 540s together with no problem. Check out what Niki has been up to on his journey to Wake Park Worlds.
- Name: Dominik Gührs
- Nickname: Niki
- Date of Birth: 01.04.1990
- Division(s): Pro Men & Pro Features
- Years riding: 12
- Current Wake Park World Series Ranking: 4th
- Where are you from? Germany
- 2011 Wake Park World Championships Placement: 1st Pro Men
- Home riding spot: Aschheim
- Other Notable awards or wins: 2011 WWA Wake Park World Series Overall Champion
WWA: Tell us about yourself.
Dominik Gührs: I’m 22 Years old and I love to go Wakeboarding and Snowboarding love to travel, but it’s always great to come back home!
WWA: How did you get into the sport?
Gührs: Wanted to buy me a Skateboard but than decided to try Wakeboarding with my brother so I bought a Wakeboard after a few tries!
WWA: Who has been most influential in your development of wakeboarding?
Gührs: The riding with my friends!
WWA: How has the 2012 season been so far?
Gührs: It’s been a really good Season so far! I was travelling a lot did some good Photo shoots was riding as much as I could and had a lot of fun with all my friends! Don’t need more!
WWA: What has been your favorite trip this year and why?
Gührs: My Trip to Orlando! I was staying with Julian Cohen for 1 week at his house and I probably had the best time ever! We were riding a lot got Speed Ticket on the way to Tampa lost Phones in SeaWorld went out ever Night meeting New People best time ever Can’t wait to do this again!
WWA: What is your mindset coming into the 2012 Wake Park World Championships?
Gührs: I really want to get a good result in Go Karting this Year
WWA: This year’s contest is on the opposite cable from last year (Clockwise cable); how will you adapt your riding to accommodate to this cable?
Gührs: Try to ride the same as on a normal cable!
WWA: What rider will you be most prepared to compete against?
Gührs: I will be prepared for everyone!
WWA: Who will be the top 3 finishers in your division?
Gührs: Hard to say there are to many good riders right now! Anything can happen!
WWA: Any particular person that you’ll have your eyes set on to beat in the karting race?
Gührs: Jamie Smith!!!!!!!
WWA: What about in the paintball arena? Who do you want to shoot?
Gührs: The one who deserves it!
WWA: Who would you like to thank?
Gührs: You guys for that Interview my Sponsors Friends and Parents!
Follow Niki on:
Dominik Guehrs + Steffen Vollert from Andy Kolb on Vimeo.
About Wake Park Worlds
The 2012 WWA Wake Park World Championships hosted by Al Forsan International Sports Resort (wakeparkworlds.com) is the final stop of the 2012 WWA Wake Park World Series season. Wake Park Worlds is open to all ages and abilities; for registration visit wakeparkworlds.com/registration. Make sure to stay up-to-date and interactive by following us on our Wake Park Worlds specific sites at:
About the WWA
The WWA is the world’s premier provider of amateur and professional wakeboard events, sanctioning and rules, developed by riders, for riders. www.thewwa.com
About Al Forsan
The Al Forsan International Sports resort aspires to be an internationally-recognized and top-rated world-class resort by leisure professionals, as well as companies and families. By consistently providing first-rate service and state-of-the-art facilities, it will establish itself as the major sports hub for regional events, setting new standards for international sports and leisure experiences. www.alforsan.com