Orlando, FL (January 23, 2019) – The World Wake Association (WWA) announces the return of the WWA Wake Park National Points Chase series (NPC) for the 2019 season. Coming into its tenth season, this popular series features teams comprised of amateurs and pro’s representing wake parks across the nation. Riders compete in both traditional wake park and features only disciplines at their local park, to build their best team for the Nautique WWA Wake Park National Championships. In 2018 over 25 parks hosted qualifying events including nearly 500 riders nationwide in a fun environment focused on community and rider development.
In celebration of the 10th year anniversary of the National Points Chase and in combination of the WWA’s 30th year celebration, parks can expect to receive some extra perks included in the registration fee for 2019. All park registrations will receive one tent with a custom banner at Nationals, one free amateur entry to Worlds, park logo on the National’s t-shirt, and continued support from the WWA’s membership, marketing and event teams.
“The WWA Wake Park National Points Chase has become one of the largest series in the world, cultivating a growing community of riders that continue to progress the sport with their own unique approach. We are so excited to now be heading into the tenth anniversary, and I can’t wait to see this series expand on a global level as parks from every corner of the globe come together for the WWA Wake Park World Championships this October!” commented WWA Executive Director, Corrie Wilson. “As the expansion of parks continues, this homegrown series gives riders a place to start competing in their own backyard at the WWA world event standard. It’s even more amazing to then witness the teams from each park coming together to rep their park and showcase their unique styles at the National Championships.”
In order to qualify riders for the series, each park will be required to run a minimum of one event prior to the WWA Wake Park National Championships. Results will be due no later than one week after the events. In order to take advantage of all the benefits and the lowest rates, parks must register before February 1, 2019.

North American Parks will receive the following areas of support from the WWA:
- Trophy Inserts
- Score Sheets
- Registration Sheets
- Marketing service from The WWA and PointsChase.com
- Updated scores and rankings throughout the season
- Event Operations help and advice, email support, etc.
- One (1) tent with a custom banner at WWA Wake Park National Championships
- 2019 WWA Wake Park National Championships Announcement Coming Soon!
- One (1) free amateur entry to WWA Wake Park World Championships (up to $125 value)
- Entry may be raffled off at your park, given to a rider of choice, etc.
- WWA Wake Park World Championships will be held October 10 – 13, 2019 at the Mayan Water Complex in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
- Park logo on the Nationals t-shirt
Park Registration Info:
- Click HERE for Wake Park registration. Parks must register before February 1, 2019 in order to take advantage of all benefits and the lowest rates!
- If your park has not previously participated in the National Points Chase series, please direct your representative to this LINK for all participation information.
- Each park can choose to participate in both traditional and features only series or select just one. *Two tower parks are limited to the “features only” series.
- All rider registrations must be completed at your local park.
- Each participating park will be provided with WWA Wake Park National Points Chase guidelines and standards for judging. Each park will apply all standards to best suit their individual course.
- FAQ: Click HERE

Park Registration Pricing and Divisions:
* 1-4 events held May – June
$300 – paid by February 1, 2019
$400 – paid by March 1, 2019
$500 – paid by April 1, 2019
$600 – paid after April 2, 2019
Features Only Divisions
- Pro Men
- Women (at Nationals both Pro and Open)
- Masters 30+ (at Nationals both Masters 30-39 & Veterans 40+)
- Open 19 – 29
- Juniors 15 – 18
- Kids 10 – 14
- Groms 9 & under
* 1-3 events held in June
- $300 – paid by February 1, 2019
- $400 – paid by March 1, 2019
- $500 – paid by April 1, 2019
- $600 – paid after April 2, 2019
Traditional Cable Divisions
- Beginner Wakeboard
- Amateur Wakeskate
- Novice Wakeboard
- Intermediate Wakeboard
- Advanced Wakeboard
- Professional Wakeskate
- Professional Wakeboard
- $400 – paid by February 1, 2019
- $525 – paid by March 1, 2019
- $650– paid by April 1, 2019
- $800 – paid after April 2, 2019
2019 Event Dates
Nautique WWA Wake Park National Championships
Date + Location Announcement Coming Soon!
WWA Wake Park World Championships
October 10 – 13, 2019
Mayan Water Complex – Playa del Carmen, Mexico