Malibu WWA Pro Card – About

Before the development of the WWA Pro Card, professional qualifying guidelines were vague, at best; it was up to the individual rider to choose “pro” or “amateur” status in any competition. While this was clearly a benefit to the Amateur to compete in a Pro event, it also allowed riders with less advanced skills to compete against the world elite in the same contest, diluting the talent pool; there simply was no clear distinction. The WWA Pro Card, renewed annually based on WWA World Rankings, legitimizes elite-level riders that are truly professional and encourages them — regardless of wakeboard (boat) or wake park (Cable) – to set a higher standard of riding at professional contests.

In 2018, there will be a total of 5 WWA Wakeboard (Boat) Pro Card Qualifying events throughout the United States. Each Pro Card Qualifier will be open to all riders that do not currently hold a WWA Pro Card.

Throughout the season, as you compete at WWA Pro events you will be added to the rankings will then adjust up or down based on your results at each event. At the end of each year the Top 15 on the World Rankings will retain their WWA Pro Card for the following season. If you finish outside of the Top 15 then you will need to earn your WWA Pro Card at Pro Card Qualifying events the following season.

If you do not qualify at a WWA Pro Card qualifying event you can try again to earn your card at the next qualifying event. Each rider is not limited to the amount of attempts it may take to earn your WWA Pro Card.

For the full Pro Card Rules click here.

The WWA Pro Card qualifiers will be held at each of the 5 Malibu WWA Rider Experience events. These events will be held around the country, one in each of the regions which is clearly mapped out below.

Based on the 2017 WWA Membership database, each of the following regions will host a WWA Pro Card Qualifying event


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